Management Agreement
Management Agreements/JPA
The Coliseum Commission is a governmental entity that was established in 1945 under a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) agreement between the City of Los Angeles (City), the County of Los Angeles (County), and the Sixth District Agricultural Association (referred to as the California Science Center), an institution of the State of California (State). Although the Coliseum Commission is a public entity, it is established as an enterprise fund and does not receive any public funding.
On December 30, 1955, the City, County and State entered into an agreement known as the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission Management Agreement, providing for, among other things, the operation of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena by the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission. Over the years, the Coliseum Commission has operated under a series of management agreements, the most recent of which is the Amended and Restated Management Agreement of 2013, which was executed on February 26, 2014. This most recent Management Agreement revised the governance structure, meeting requirements and operating arrangements of the Commission in view of the change in the level of the daily responsibilities of the Commission as a result of the Amended Lease with the University of Southern California for the year-round management of the Coliseum and Sports Arena.